Summerveld Hound Resort Rescue Sanctuary

SHRRS is a registered non-profit & PBO dog rescue sanctuary based in Assagay, KZN. We are home to 98 dogs. We have a Right To Life Policy which means that no healthy animal is euthanized & we ensure that every animal in our care deserves a chance to live their best life possible. We have a strict no adoption policy & are committed to protecting, cherishing, unconditionally loving and providing a better quality of life for every single one of our rescues. Our sanctuary provides a family friendly environment for our rescues to grow up in/spend their remaining days being loved, having a family & a place to call home. We strive to educate our community on pet ownership, adoptions, sterilizations, and animal welfare. 

Bank Details


Summerveld Hound Resort

Acc: 1188985205

Branch code: 133826

Cheque account

Reference: Your Name